Do Tricks, Get Chicks. That was the plan.
Our photo shoot in our secret location was lacking a bit of snow... After a few wheel barrow trips hunting for snow we set up our fist jib which was a jump over a fence to drop, I was up first, not knowing the speed I came up a little short landing on a sleeper. Second attempt got it perfect, sessioned that for a few hits then moved on. A few crew came across from Buller and had a shred as well, fun times.
Our second feature was at least 25m long, it was a wooden flat rail. It was so sick but a bitch to get to the end, we all played around on that for a while before we got into some grass boarding.
By the end of the day we were covered in mud, rolling with new balla watches thanks to Lee Ponzio our photographer and Rep for Alive Athletics Australia and stoked we got a few sweet shots. Will Kendal from Third Chapter was getting the angles with the video came, stay tuned for some footage. Cheers Lee and Will.
Our location was a bit to secret and the chicks couldn't find it.Plan fell through